Cyberbullying or cyberharassmen t is a form of bullying or harassment using electronic means. It has become increasingly common, especially among teenagers. Harmful bullying behavior can include posting rumors, threats , sexual remarks, a victims' personal information , or pejorative labels (i.e., hate speech ). ] Bullying or harassment can be identified by repeated behavior and an intent to harm. [3] Victims may have lower self-esteem, increased suicidal ideation , and a variety of emotional responses, including being scared, frustrated, angry, and depressed. Cyberbullying may be more harmful than traditional bullying. I nternet trolling is a common form of bullying over the Internet in an online community (such as in online gaming or social media ) in order to elicit a reaction, disruption, or for someone's own personal amusement. Cyberstalking is another form of bu...
Have difficulty forming conclusions and making decisions Feel or accept that there is something wrong with them on a basic level (selfish, too sensitive, "crazy", etc.) Analyze and relive abusive experiences to see where they made mistakes Doubt their ability to communicate Experience self-doubt, low self-confidence, and lose spontaneity and/or enthusiasm. Long-Term Effects of Verbal Abuse A study of physical health consequences of physical and psychological abuse concludes: Verbal abuse is strongly associated with chronic pain, migraine and frequent headaches, stammering, ulcers, spastic colon, and frequent indigestion, diarrhea, or constipation along with many stress-related heart conditions. 2 The psychological effects of verbal abuse include: fear and anxiety, depression, stress and PTSD, intrusive memories, memory gap disorders, sleep or eating problems, hyper-vigilance and exaggerated s...